Always pure water with Ecosoft

Home Reviews Always pure water with Ecosoft

Installing a reverse osmosis filter is currently the best solution for providing drinking water for your own home or small office.

Воду, що тече з кранів українців, переважно беруть із річок і очищують на станціях місцевих The water that flows from the taps of Ukrainians is mainly taken from rivers and purified at local water supply stations. Usually, it is disinfected with chlorine. However, the quality of water in rivers, lakes and wells deteriorates every year, and communal waterworks do not have time to update equipment and implement the latest technologies.

In general, water from the tap meets sanitary standards (that is, it is suitable for consumption), but needs additional cleaning. The water is purified with the help of filters to remove its smell, excess iron or other impurities.

Reverse osmosis technology is not new. It has been used for many years all over the world, in particular, such filters are very popular in the USA.

Reverse osmosis technology allows you to remove up to 99% of all impurities from water, including viruses and bacteria, and guarantees high-quality water that is safe even for children.

The Ukrainian company Ecosoft has been engaged in water purification since 1991. Initially, Ecosoft designed filtration systems for large industrial enterprises. Since 2009, the company has been producing filters for home use. Currently, Ecosoft has a wide range of reverse osmosis filters, which makes it possible to get clean drinking water with different tastes and different mineral composition., що дає можливість отримати чисту питну воду з різними смаками і різним мінеральним складом.


The Ecosoft P'URE AquaCalcium reverse osmosis filter makes water not only clean and safe, but also useful and tasty thanks to additional calcium mineralization (the level of minerals in the water is 55-65 mg/l). Calcium is vital for humans and the most common trace element in the body. According to research by the World Health Organization, calcium is absorbed equally from food and water.

Ecosoft P'URE AquaCalcium provides 6 levels of water purification, during which all major pollutants are removed: mechanical impurities, organic substances, chlorine, iron, etc. The reverse osmosis membrane traps even the smallest particles, including bacteria and viruses.


In 2021, the Ecosoft company updated the line of reverse osmosis filters for the home with the Ecosoft Absolute model.

This filter not only provides drinking water of the highest quality, but also saves water consumption.

So, unlike conventional reverse osmosis filters, in which 7-8 liters are discharged into the sewer for 1 liter of clean water, Ecosoft Absolute discharges only 1 liter per 1 liter of clean water!

This makes it possible to save up to 20,000 liters of water per year.


Ecosoft Absolute 

Ecosoft P’URE AquaCalcium

Product code



Productivity, l/day (GPD)

280 (75)

280 (75)

Mineralization level, mg/l



Water saving function



Pressure at the entrance, bar



The total volume of the tank, l



Size (w x h x d), mm

410 × 420 × 150

440 × 310 × 195

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